How to compile a kernel on CentOS 7

Install Required Packages for Kernel Compilation To get started we’ll need to make sure all repositories are up to date and that te system its self is up to date as well, then we’ll install the development tools that we’ll need to compile the kernel, and we should also install the nurses library using the […]

Entrena a tus empleados a pensar como hackers

Hoy en día no es necesario explicar con mucho detalle que es la ciber seguridad, ya la mayoría de personas que trabajan de alguna u otra manera frente a una computadora habrán escuchado al menos mencionar este término algunas veces, ya sea porque lo escucharon en la noticia o porque la empresa donde laboran se […]

Como protegerte del proximo ciberataque

  Un ciberataque masivo cobró más de 200,000 víctimas en al menos 150 países en los últimos días, y los oficiales dicen que la situación seguramente va a empeorar. El ransomware WannaCry – llamado así porque básicamente retiene a tu computadora u ordenador como rehén hasta que se haga un pago para desbloquearse – el […]

How to Password Protect a Vim File in Linux

Vim is a popular, feature-rich and highly-extensible text editor for Linux, and one of its special features is support for encrypting text files using various crypto methods with a password. In this article, we will explain to you one of the simple Vim usage tricks; password protecting a file using Vim in Linux. We will […]

How to add version control for your Linux /etc directory

When you think of the Linux /etc directory, one thing comes to mind: configuration. There’s a good reason for that; most of your system configuration files are held in this crucial directory. In fact, nearly everything but your user configurations are housed within /etc, so the importance of this directory cannot be overstated. That is […]

How to Install MariaDB 10 on Debian and Ubuntu

If you’re here it means you have probably heard of MariaDB, which is a free and open source fork of the popular MySQL database management server software. It is developed under the GPLv2 (General Public License version 2) by the original developers of MySQL and is intended to remain open source. It has proven to achieve high compatibility with […]

How to configure an L2TP connection on Mac OS X (10.5+)

Open the Network Control Panel First, open the System Preferences by going to the Apple menu and choosing “System Preferences”. Or choose “System Preferences” from the Dock. Next, click on the ‘Network’ system preference. Make a new connection In the ‘Network’ system preference there is a list of network connections on the left side. Click […]

How to configure PPP VPN client on Mac OS

Let’s work on configuring your Mac OS device to connect to a VPN server, so that you can browse that content anonymously. 1. Go to system preferences and click on Network 2. Click no the + button under the network connections pane 3. From the drop down menu select VPN then under VPN type select […]

How to check that your Debian installation is secure after an update.

After the heartbleed bug that made everyone upgrade their OpenSSL installations in fear of hackers getting access to login information I noticed that more and more comments with questions like “Did you restart the service after you patched it?”. Even if running apt-get update && apt-get upgrade on a regular basis some services actually DO need to […]